Monday, January 3, 2011

Saying Goodbye When You Know It's Gonna Break Your Heart

I have decided that breaking up with someone is so much harder when they have done nothing majorly wrong. They haven't cheated, they haven't hit you, you don't fight all the time. It is so so so much harder to say those words when you still adore them. There is always the "it's not you, it's me", which, believe it or not, actually can happen. Then there is the "you are an amazing guy, but just not the guy for me". That's where I am at with things. Knowing that we are going to stay friends helps, but there is still the fact that my heart is going to break when he gets in his truck and drives away that last time. Sometimes I wonder if we didn't give it enough time. Or if I'm going through one of my phases. But then I remember that it's not fair to him to not be completely committed to making it work. Maybe a few years down the road, we will reconnect and things will work. I just hope that he realizes what an amazing person he is and that it wasn't anything he did. I hope he also realizes how much it means that he understands and feels the same way.


  1. I know how hard that is hun. I did that my junior year, I had to tell him that even though he was amazing and great, it just wasn't right for us. The timing was wrong, had it been another time we probably could've made it. I think that is a huge part of life, timing. Things could be perfect...but its just not the right time. While that all sucks, eventually time works out for us. Keep looking for that bright spot.

  2. I'm working on it. I will still see him sometimes, but I'm just sad mostly.

  3. Oh, Jen, You aren't saying goodbye, its like a door to a whole new start, you both learned things from each other and can apply those things towards the future. I am sorry he is leaving and you know where to find me,hun. I hope for all the best and know you will be my dear sweet Jen in no time.
    Smile it will make your butthole tickle.;)

  4. Oh my dear Nicole. I will always be your dear sweet Jen. Thank you for always being there for me and there will be times when I need you. I love you my beautiful barnacle!

  5. Romance is a series of some doors opening and other doors closing. You just have to keep turning the knobs until you find yourself at an open window. :)

  6. Sierra is now closing doors for me apperantly.

  7. he is a man he wont understand now but maybe later on down the road... ive done that with neal a few times but we made it work.. and yes we have our ups and downs but we are human and thats how it goes.. so maybe you can try it again later when you feel its right bc after all everyone is put in your life for a reason!!

  8. I love that poem...or whatever you wanna call it. I'm going to put it on my next post!!
